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From Localization to Language Processing 

  19th - 24th June, 2005, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Even after much investment in infrastructure, only a very small majority of Asians are using the Internet.  One of the significant obstacles is their inability to create and access information in their own language. PAN Localization project has been initiated to build a regional collaboration to address this issue. One of the objectives of this project is to train human resource in developing countries of Asia to develop their own local

language computing solutions.  PAN Localization project had organized its 1st Asian Regional Training on “Fundamentals of Local Language Computing” in Lahore in January 2004. This training was attended by over 60 participants from 15 countries of Asia. Many national trainings, seminars and workshops have also been organized since then.

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From Localization to Language Processing, 2nd Asian Regional Training on Local Language Computing aims to pick up from the previous trainings conducted by PAN Localization to discuss common issues being faced in the development of local language applications in Asian languages. 
Specifically, the training aims to achieve the following:

  • Provide training on advanced concepts of Asian Localization

  • Provide training on intermediate concepts of Asian language processing

  • Provide a platform for researchers and developers to discuss cross-linguistic development issues and form common solutions

  • Provide a platform for researchers and developers to further strengthen network of Asians involved in development of local language computing solutions

  • Discuss policy related to local language computing development and dissemination across Asia

The training will be technical in nature and is aimed for resources involved in local language computing development. This includes project managers, software architects, computational linguists and project development team members. 

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